Daddy, what if the sun stopped shining?
What would happen then?
If the sun stopped shining, you’d be so surprised
You’d stare at the heavens with wide open eyes,
And the wind would carry your light to the skies
And the sun would start shining again.
But, daddy, what if the wind stopped blowing?
What would happen then?
If the wind stopped blowing, then the land would be dry,
And your boat wouldn’t sail and your kite couldn’t fly,
And the grass would see your trouble and she’d tell the wind,
And the wind would start blowing again.
But, Daddy, what if the grass stopped growing?
What would happen then?
Well, if grass stopped you’d probably cry,
And the ground be watered by the tears from your eyes,
And like your love for me, that grass would grow so high.
Yes, the grass would start growing again.
But, Daddy, what if I stopped loving you?
What would happen then?
If you stopped loving me, then the grass would stop growing,
The sun would stop shining and the wind would stop blowing.
So you see, if you wanna keep this old world a’ going,
You’d better start loving me again, again…
You better start loving me again.
You hear me!
You better start loving me again and again…
Shel silverstein
Hello !!!!!!!
ما از متن های فارسی که شما می نویسد همین طوری خیلی سر در نمی آوریم ، چه برسد به این متن انگلیسی که از این آقا شل نقل کردین .
یه خورده هوای ما بی سواد ها رو هم داشته باشید
Anonymous, at April 07, 2005 7:50 PM
حميد راست ميگه، ما از انگليسی یه کلمه بلديم اونم یس که میشه نه
در ضمن شما به جز عربی و انگلیسی زبونه ديگه ای هم بلديد؟
Anonymous, at April 12, 2005 12:25 AM
به نظرم لازم نیست ترجمه اش رو بنویسید، مزه اش به همون زبان اصلیشه، هر کی هم که نمی فهمه بره یخورده سواد یاد بگیره. فقط می ترسم اگر همون جوری که یس رو یاد گرفتن بقیه اش رو هم یاد بگیرند این اقا شل بیچاره قبض روح بشه از چیزی که این ابناء البشر از نوشته هاش برداشت می کنند
amir, at April 16, 2005 2:50 PM
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